Information for
referring dentists
Always call us to make an appointment
available 24/7
The beginning of
Mondzorg Poli
The Mondzorg Poli dental polyclinic was founded in 2011 to professionalize emergency dental care in Amsterdam and to provide a one-stop treatment center that can handle every type of patient. In our experience, most hospitals are unable to provide emergency dental care on their own. We felt it was our responsibility to assist them. In 2017 we’ve opened a new practice in the Diakonessenhuis Utrecht. In 2023 Mondzorg Poli has practices in Amsterdam, Almere, Utrecht, Den Bosch, Haarlem and Geleen (Limburg).
Both our practices are capable of helping patients seven days a week and at all hours of the day and night. That makes us unique. If you have a patient who needs urgent dental treatment, you can refer them to Mondzorg Poli knowing that they will receive the best possible care.
Mondzorg Poli focuses exclusively on emergency dental care. We never take on our own patients and our discharge letters always refer patients back to their own dentists. After their treatment here is complete, they receive a bill, a discharge letter (including diagnostics, therapeutic information and advice) and any x-rays we may have made so they’ll be able to hand them over to you.
How do we define
emergency dental care?
Mondzorg Poli believes that emergency dental care is necessary to the extent that it involves unexpected dental problems that need to be dealt with quickly. Our most pressing goal is to ensure that acute dental problems are alleviated accurately and effectively.
The care we provide is mainly focused on treating acute dental pain and other emergencies. We treat patients who present with bleeding, difficulty swallowing, dental abscesses, acute toothaches, lost or loose teeth, and endodontic emergency procedures (e.g. initial root canal treatments).

“One of the major advantages of the Mondzorg Poli dental polyclinic is that we managed to integrate every aspect of emergency dental care into one accessible concept – and we did it as far back as 2011. What’s more, both locations are easily accessible for everybody.”
Maarten Muijen, dentist
“Mijn patiënten zijn altijd in goede handen bij Mondzorg Poli. Mocht ik onverhoopt mijn eigen patiënt(en) niet tijdig kunnen helpen, ben ik er zeker van dat de service en expertise van de tandartsen op de Mondzorg Poli niet teleurstelt. Buiten de reguliere werktijden en op zon- en feestdagen adviseer ik mijn patiënten immer om de Mondzorg Poli raad te plegen. Dit al jaren met succes, en ook in de toekomst!”
Lawrence Dom, dentist
“Altijd klaarstaan voor patiënten met pijn en na ongelukken. Ook in de avonden en ‘s weekends. Daarom ben ik tandarts bij de Mondzorg Poli.”
Serge Stenen, dentist
“Patiënten werden vroeger via een voicemail bij de eigen tandarts verwezen naar een dienstdoende tandarts ergens in de stad. ‘Patiënten moesten maar afwachten waar ze terecht konden. Als tandarts had je de kans dat je na een werkdag ‘s avonds of ‘s nachts weer aan de slag moest als vervanger.”
Ernest Kloeg, dentist