About the Mondzorg Poli
dental polyclinic
Always call us to make an appointment
available 24/7
Do you need an emergency dentist right away? The Mondzorg Poli dental polyclinic is the only dentist’s practice situated in a hospital in Amsterdam and Utrecht that treats patients during the day, night and weekends. We offer this service 365 days a year and treat everybody, even if you don’t have your own dentist. If you have an emergency, please call us immediately and schedule an appointment. This helps cut down on unnecessary waiting times.
Experienced emergency dentists
The Mondzorg Poli dental polyclinic has a team of experienced dentists who will handle your dental emergency with the utmost care. Our phones are manned by experienced healthcare professionals and our dentists are certified specialists who are registered in the Dutch BIG registry.
Our Amsterdam practice is situated in the Slotervaart Hospital (MC Slotervaart) in Amsterdam, on Louwesweg 6. We are located right next door to the Emergency Room (SEH). You can use the entrance to the SEH. Our Utrecht practice can be found in the Diakonessenhuis Utrecht, Bosboomstraat 1.
Thanks to our favorable locations, we can work together with the dental surgery departments. We can also refer you to the Emergency Room. Our hygiene protocols and safeguards against infection and transmission are completely in line with hospital standards.
What our patients say:
“I would like to thank you for your quality work. Now I know exactly where I will go when it’s time to treat my teeth.”
James Santas, patients
“It’s such a relief to be able to come here and get great emergency care! My wife went here too and she agrees that it’s a good solution if you need urgent dental care.”
Ruud Wulder, patients
“I really liked the attitude to patients and professionalism of dentists. If I have any problems with my teeth again, I will be happy to contact you again. Thanks.”
Mariam Doyle, patients
“After a few weeks, the pain won out over my fear of the dentist. I called Mondzorg Poli and they had a spot for me right away! They did a fantastic job, too – the pain is gone and I’m not afraid of the dentist anymore!”
Miranda Kadir Yilmis, patients
“Fast, friendly and skilled service!”
Sylvana Holtkamp, patients

What dentists say about us:
“One of the major advantages of the Mondzorg Poli dental polyclinic is that we managed to integrate every aspect of emergency dental care into one accessible concept – and we did it as far back as 2011. What’s more, both locations are easily accessible for everybody.”
Maarten Muijen, dentist
“Altijd klaarstaan voor patiënten met pijn en na ongelukken. Ook in de avonden en ‘s weekends. Daarom ben ik tandarts bij de Mondzorg Poli.”
Serge Stenen, dentist
“Patiënten werden vroeger via een voicemail bij de eigen tandarts verwezen naar een dienstdoende tandarts ergens in de stad. ‘Patiënten moesten maar afwachten waar ze terecht konden. Als tandarts had je de kans dat je na een werkdag ‘s avonds of ‘s nachts weer aan de slag moest als vervanger.”
Ernest Kloeg, dentist
“Mijn patiënten zijn altijd in goede handen bij Mondzorg Poli. Mocht ik onverhoopt mijn eigen patiënt(en) niet tijdig kunnen helpen, ben ik er zeker van dat de service en expertise van de tandartsen op de Mondzorg Poli niet teleurstelt. Buiten de reguliere werktijden en op zon- en feestdagen adviseer ik mijn patiënten immer om de Mondzorg Poli raad te plegen. Dit al jaren met succes, en ook in de toekomst!”
Lawrence Dom, dentist

What employees say about us:
“Mondzorg Poli, sinds 2011 actief, had nooit gedacht dat het zo’n uitvinding zou zijn. Honderden mensen die je zo dankbaar zijn omdat ze zo snel terecht konden. Fijn om al die blije gezichten te zien, met name het bruidspaar dat nog even 2 uur voordat ze in het huwelijk treden een afgebroken tand komen repareren”
Narissa Ajuau, employee SEH
“One of the major advantages of the Mondzorg Poli dental polyclinic is that we managed to integrate every aspect of emergency dental care into one accessible concept – and we did it as far back as 2011. What’s more, both locations are easily accessible for everybody.”
Maarten Muijen, dentist

The team at Mondzorg Poli
From the receptionists to the emergency dentists, every member of the Mondzorg Poli team is here to solve your dental problems and to help you wherever possible.

Mondzorg Poli in Dutch news
Need emergency dental care?
You can call us 24/7 to make an appointment